Rev. Jason Blanton

I think, at this point we need to admit that as American
Christians, God has indeed become our co-pilot.
As we have spent what seems like the last 2 years (or more) fully dug
into the trenches of the latest American culture battle, one of many in this
30+ year culture war, I fear we have allowed ourselves to slip further and further
into irrelevance.
This isn't another blog about gay marriage. Not really.
Its about how this latest round of bickering is a symptom of a much
deeper problem, a problem that is endangering the very soul of the American
If I were to ask a Catholic brother or sister, "who or
what sets the agenda for your church?"
They may respond, "the Pope," or perhaps answer with something
like the accumulated tradition of 2000 years of Christianity.
If I were to ask a Protestant, particularly an Evangelical,
they will say "the Bible!"
Perhaps, if I were to ask a more charismatic brother or
sister, they may say "The Spirit."
None would say our culture, or our political leaders, or
"the world." Yet, here we are
engaged in the latest round of
"defending the faith" because we are reacting to what is going
on around us. Don't believe me? I personally stood in a lunch line, waiting
to make a sandwich on a mission trip in Grifton, NC, and had a fellow pastor
chastise me for being affiliated with CBF.
"They are too tolerant of the gays (his words)" My response was, "why is homosexuality
so much worse than greed or idolatry or any of the other number of sins we seem
to ignore?" His answer - "The
gay AGENDA!" Ask one of the many pastors at the forefront of the argument
against gay marriage why their church, or their organization spends so much
time recently talking about homosexuality, and they will say something along
the lines of "the homosexual agenda."
"THEY are trying to make their lifestyle mainstream, so we have to
talk about it."
Really? So our
churches are led, not by the Spirit, or the Word, or even our tradition? They are instead simply a reactionary
movement against the latest of whatever "agenda" we think is
attacking us?
Let’s not forget how Jesus reacted when He was being
attacked. He didn't suit up for a
culture war, or a real war - he put a guy's ear back on his head, and then put
Himself on a cross. Jesus wouldn't let
the culture of nonstop violence and war ruin the Gospel. The Kingdom was too important to waste on the
ways of men.
Jonathan Martin, a fellow Charlotte pastor, recently wrote a
tremendous blog about "Gender, race, and Pentecost,"
in which he pointed out what the American church hasn't yet realized - we are
no longer the center of the Christian world.
The Spirit is moving in places we have never heard of, in ways we can't
imagine, and we are missing out - because we are taking our instructions from
politicians, newscasters, and various five-star culture warriors.
Indeed, God is our co-pilot, and I'm afraid we aren't terribly
anxious to switch seats.
Jason Blanton is the
pastor of Grace Crossing Charlotte. This
article originally appeared on his blog,
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